Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Year of Me

This was to be the year that I would focus on me.  Yup.  Selfish?  Not at all.  I had gotten lazy about appearances, clothes, having fun.  And COVID isolation certainly didn't help.  So, I decided that I would focus my energies on myself this year.

First was to have my eyebrows enhanced after having lost them to 'old age'.  And I bought the Jaguar, my toy.  At the same time though, I contracted a mild case of shingles.  Mild because I have had both vaccines available.  The rash wasn't too bad, just annoying, but the nerve pain afterwards was quite intense.  And every now and then I still get a jolt.

On to April when I decided to have mandibular tori removed from my jaw.  These are bony growths that fill the lower mouth.  Insurance does not cover their removal unless you tear the bottom of your tongue off.  Well, no, I wasn't risking that, so it was out of my own pocket.  Mild discomfort after they were chiseled out ( I was put under anesthesia so had no idea what they were doing) and a six-week recovery.  

Now onto my real issue.  Last fall I complained to my eye doctor that I was having trouble with my peripheral vision.  He said my eyelids didn't look that bad and to wait for my next check-up.  So I mentioned it to my physician in March and she said to go back and tell him to check again.  So I did.

He still insisted that the eyelids were not the issue and that I likely had glaucoma.  But he gave me the name of an ocular surgeon in case I wanted to pursue cosmetic surgery.

So, we go through all the tests for glaucoma and I make a consultation appointment with a surgeon.  The glaucoma tests are all negative and the eye doctor still doesn't believe the eyelids are a problem.  AARRRGGHHH!!!!!

OTOH, the consult with the ocular surgeon reveals that not only are they the problem, it is bad enough that insurance will cover the surgery for both eyes.  The surgery had a hiccup, but I am all healed.  Below are before and after pics.

one week before surgery
two weeks after surgery

I now have full peripheral vision.  No more pulling out in traffic and worrying that I missed seeing an approaching car.  Someone said to me that they are fine and are only missing about three inches of side vision.  Well, I do not want to be in a car with them.  Only seeing what is in front of you is not good enough IMHO.  Now I understand why folks pull out in front of me in the roundabouts.  They are relying on vision they no longer have.  

The most recent hiccup was two weeks ago when I got stung on my face by 'who knows what'.  I had a delayed reaction that involved a fever, itching, swelling of my cheeks and lips, and rash on my face and chest.  I finished a long course of steroids this morning and seem to be okay.  Now if we just knew what stings you but you don't feel a thing and then two hours later you start having a severe reaction.  Weird.  And, no, not bees or wasps which I am highly allergic to.  Besides, you really feel those bites, believe me.

So, halfway though the year, with eyebrows, new eyes, and a new wardrobe.  Yup.  I had bought almost no new clothes since retiring in 2008.  Well, except for lounging pajamas, lol.  So it was time.

I am not sure what awaits for the rest of the year.  Stay tuned. 


  1. I hope the rest of the year is uneventful in the best way and involves a lot of clothes shopping and fun.

    1. How nice to hear from you! I have been remiss in following everyone. Thanks for the well wishes.

  2. Don't you love it (not) when doctors don't believe you? At least the ocular surgeon figured it out and insurance covering it was a plus. You've had more than enough surgery for a year and shingles on top of it! I had the initial shingles vaccine. I've never had the newer one (the two dose) vaccine because some people I know have had bad side effects but I really should get it and I know that. I also know someone who had shingles with permanent nerve damage and that would be lot worse than any vaccine reaction. Now, go out and shop till you drop. You deserve it!

    1. Forgot to sign my name and thank you for the update- Alana

    2. My younger sister got shingles before the vaccines were ever available. It was awful. I had no problem with either of the vaccines.

  3. You've had quite a year so far, you really deserve a few months of R&R!

  4. New eyebrows, vision restored, new Jag, new wardrobe. Sounds like a good year, so far, except for the shingles. Sorry you had to deal with that! My husband had a terrible case pre-vaccines, but fortunately, the after-effects eventually went away.

    1. Sorry about your husband's shingles. My sister's pre-vaccine case was terrible too, so I can't complain. Thanks for stopping by.


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