Thursday, August 22, 2024

Leaving My Mark

I have spent a lot of time this year going through old papers in boxes and files on my computer trying to get rid of junk.  I have also spent time updating my resume, not for a job, but for my obituary when the time comes.

In addition, I wandered over to our Civic Center to take some pictures for posterity.  

This first one is at our Library.  It is on the Endowment Wall.  Currently I am a Silver donor, but will move up to the Gold level this year.  If I were to move from this community, the only thing I would miss is our wonderful award winning Library.

The next is at the entrance to our Town Hall, which  was opened the year after I took office:

This last one is on the donor wall at the Mike Ilitch School of Business at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.

Today the University awarded more than  $850,000 in scholarships to students in the business school.  I was able to attend and meet the two delightful young women who received my scholarships.  I can't tell you how good it makes me feel to be able to give back.  I have always valued education and without a scholarship I never would have achieved what I have.

I hope I have left my mark on more than just a few walls.  


  1. That's an impressive legacy, Denise! And it's wonderful that you are 'giving back' to the community.

  2. You certainly have left your mark, and you are continuing to so. Thanks for sharing this with us, Denise.

  3. We get to that age when we think of our legacy. Have we improved the world by our existence? You've done well by that measure. Alana

    1. Thank you. I remember a young fireman coming up to me one time and thanking me for getting a law passed to protect their retiree healthcare. That one 'thank you' made all my work worthwhile.


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