Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Goodbye Dear Friend

Those of you who read my blog comments may have remembered reading several comments left by Jo from JO ON FOOD, LIFE AND A SCENT OF CHOCOLATE. Jo became a follower of mine when I first started participating in the A to Z challenge.  She was my mentor and helped me along during the challenge with suggestions and answering my questions.  

We have followed each other for all the years since then, exchanging emails, recipes, family life, birthday cards, etc. - whatever crossed out paths.  

When I didn't hear from her over Labor Day weekend, I got concerned and contacted another blogger.  I found out that Jo had had a stroke.  Unfortunately, Jo passed away this morning.  

I will miss her as I have been ever since her stroke.  She was an incredible person, so full of life and with a great sense of humor.  Unfortunately, we never actually met face to face, but that is so common in our blogging world.  I will miss her recipes, book recommendations, TV show suggestions and her true zest for life.  May she rest in peace.

Josephine Clare Wake

SEPTEMBER 14, 1938 – DECEMBER 16, 2020



  1. Hi Denise - thank you for posting here ... I heard last night that we'd lost Jo ... your post is perfect for her - we will miss her and yes she was full of life and love ... take care Denise - and thanks for this ... Hilary

    1. Thanks for stopping by Hilary. I know that you followed her which is how I learned about you. Small world.

  2. A touching post, Denise. I only knew (via her blog and a few emails) Jo for a few months, but enjoyed her quirkiness very much. She lived in Kitchener just south of where I live in Waterloo, and had it not been for COVID I would probably have met her since she asked me if I would take her to see Red-winged Blackbirds. When masks first became necessary my wife made one for her and we mailed it to her. Her quality of live had deteriorated beyond recognition and her passing may be considered a relief. May her memory be a blessing.

    1. We always talked about getting together. I now wish I had made the drive back when we first met.

  3. I am sorry. I had seen her on your blog roll and had checked her blog from time to time but not recently, and didn't know of her situation. Which, I see now, is too bad. I went to her blog and read her last recipe to my husband (the family cook) and he's going to make her Greek Cod with some haddock, in our air fryer, maybe next week. Alana

    1. I hope they leave her blog posts up. She had lots of good recipes and suggestions.

  4. So sad to lose a good friend. It was nice that the two of you had such good times as online pals.

  5. Awwh so sad. Sometimes I wonder if there is a way we can let others know when something happens. I should look into letting my granddaughter know to check onto my blog and leave a final message should I die

    1. At least I had learned of another blogger who had personal contact with her. For many bloggers I follow, I have no idea who to contact if they stop blogging.


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