Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Bloom for a Day

In case you haven't realized it by now, I love, love, love daylilies.  I never saw anything other than the common daylily until the 1970's when a co-worker suggested I visit a daylily farm nearby.  OMG.  The grower specialized in daylilies and hostas and my love of both began.

A few years ago I redid the garden so that the deer would no longer have daylily buffet tables.  The result is seen below.

Daylilies all up and down the north side of my home.  Unfortunately, it also means that there is a lot of clean-up since each flower is only open for one day.  If dead flowers are not removed, they can lie over an unopened bud preventing it from opening.  It has been miserably hot and humid here with the real feel temp of 99.5 F one day this weekend.  So, not much yard work getting done.  Yesterday we had a break in the temp and humidity to the point that Charlie wanted his jacket on when we went outside.  That also meant that I could start cleaning dead flowers.  Once everything was done I took the above pictures.

Several stems had one remaining bloom and rather than wait until today to cut them, I made a bouquet to enjoy while I sat outside and read my book.  Here it is for you to enjoy.


I hope this added a little color to your life today.


  1. I love them too and they're a plant that does well here in our heat and humidity.

    1. They do much better in the heat than I do, lol.

  2. Your bouquet is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! I made another one this morning.

  3. Love your display of day lillies. Your bouquet is lovely too. I wondered if you ever cut your flowers to bring them inside.

    1. Yes, I do make bouquets. Yesterday Charlie wanted to take home flowers for his Mom. Sent him home with hydrangeas.

  4. I can see that you love daylilies. They seem to love you back!

  5. My last daylily bud should open tomorrow. The last major bloom was yesterday. I will miss them! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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