Thursday, June 22, 2023

Pretty in Purple



  1. Those are pretty - your yard must be breathtaking.

  2. Such beautiful flowers! 😍 This time of year is wonderful, isn't it? Happy summer, Denise!

  3. So beautiful! Our one clematis looks good but the other looks dead but for the very top which has flowers. Would you know what hubby has done wrong as I'm not allowed to touch the flowers...I'm the kiss of death to be honest

    1. I cut back much of that first clematis in the spring. There were lots of dead-looking branches. The second one, with blooms peeking through the fence, I thought was a goner. Not sure why it sprung up this year unless it was some fertilizer and having mulch over the roots. Actually, this is the first time I have ever mulched the flower beds. Maybe they like it? I have two other clematis that I cut to the ground. They are getting huge. I'll post pictures when they bloom.

  4. Your two clementis are beautiful. I've never tried growing them. I've grown white scaviola and (this year for the first time) yellow, but never purple scaviola. I generally put scaviola in a basket with petunias or million bells, but the purple scaviola basket you show looks so pretty all on its own. Alana

    1. I have never seen scaviola before. I was walking into a neighborhood super market and saw the basket. I loved it.

  5. Delightful! There is something secial about a flowering clematis - mine are loking good right now too!


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