Saturday, August 28, 2021

Where Have all the Monarchs Gone?

This sight used to be very common in my summer garden:

Yet here it is, almost the end of August, and I saw my first monarch butterfly today.  Of course, I do not just sit here and stare out the window, but I have been watching for them.  What I have seen in the flower beds are hundreds of bees.  I just hope I do not get stung since I do not keep an EpiPen in my home anymore.

Of course there have been other things in my garden.  Like the snake that was slithering on my front porch the other night.  And my resident bat shows up every night on the same porch to feast on bugs.  Then there is this guy who keeps crawling up the windows - I have no idea why:

Kinda freaky to look out the window and see him hanging on, lol.

Earlier this year this guy was looking for a home.  I have had ducks nesting in my yard once, but some critter got to the eggs and destroyed them.  
We got deluged with rain again yesterday.  I have not once watered my gardens this year.  And my grass is greener than ever.  We are under a heat advisory again today with more rain in next week's forecast.

And yes, I am still here.  I've just decided to keep my thoughts to myself.  You can all thank me later.


  1. It is hot as the devil here. But I can feel Autumn coming. I don't care for the shorter days but a little relief from the heat would be great. Good to see you back.

    1. Well, I am starting my autumn cleanup now. All the rain and warmth made everything grow like the dickens.

  2. I have not seen many monarchs this year - it's worrying me a little. I've actually seen more this week (when I was in the Finger Lakes of New York) thanthe rest of this summer where I live to the south and east of those lakes. I'm hoping I'll see more in September. As for rain - we've gotten a lot, too. Alana

    1. When the boys were young we drove to Point Pelee, Ontario to see the fall migration of the monarchs. It was pretty cool.

  3. I love those frogs. We get those itty bitty frogs that hang on the side of my house or doors - as if they are hanging on for dear life. They used to squeeze themselves under the door until we fixed that. Not a comfortable thing, getting up at night and stepping on a baby frog. They also poop on the side of my house. Worse than bird poop.

    That's the thing with you all outside of California who get those summer rains. You never or hardly ever have to water. We, on the other hand have to water minimum of once a week.

    1. Bat poop and frog poop? Ewww.

      It has just the last two years that we've had so much rain, and this year has been ridiculous. My neighbor said he could have kayaked in his back yard after one storm.

  4. Good to hear from you, Denise. What a summer.
    I have a friend here (RI) who is raising monarchs in retirement! Apparently there is an instructional video (isn’t there always?!) called Mr Lund Raising Monarchs. She has been very successful! Go figure.
    No frogs or bats here, thankfully, but mushrooms in the yard.

    1. Mushrooms. Yes, I had some ugly yellow ones growing in the back lawn. It's always something.

  5. Hi Denise - interesting about the Monarchs ... I hope they're around ... but maybe this is a 'quiet' year. At least the other wildlife is flourishing ... good to see you're around - all the best for your clean up - Hilary

    1. It is so nice to hear from everyone I have missed while I was taking a break. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I am glad to see you. We have had monarchs thankfully. We have 4 butterfly bushes so they are living it but I know there should be more. Let’s hope things perk up. Love Mr. Frog who seems to like your screen. It has been way too muggy.

    1. We had a nice cool morning today so I got to mow the lan and trim some bushes. Still a lot to do.

  7. Hi Denise, interesting array of characters in your yard! ☺ We haven't seen many butterflies recently either. You and I have pretty much the same weather. I was happy to see green grass in August, but the humidity has been a bit much. Cooler now that we're into September.

    1. Beautiful day here today. I think the worst of the heat is over for us.


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