Monday, April 19, 2021


 All of my father's family came from Poland.  I grew up with a Polish last name.  And of course, I had to listen to the stupid jokes about Polish people being stupid.  What is wrong with Americans?  Discrimination against ethnic groups seems to have infiltrated the DNA of our citizens.  

Anyway, rather than speak about the long and convoluted history of Poland, I just want to mention a few Polish citizens whom you may not have known were Polish.

Maria Sklowdowska-Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.  I am sure most folks think she is French.  Her first prize was in Physics, shared with her husband Pierre Curie for the "theory of radioactivity".  Her next prize was in chemistry for the discovery of Polonium and radium.

Nicolaus Copernicus put the sun at the center of the universe rather than the earth.  And Galileo would be imprisoned years later for supporting it.

In the field of music, Poland gave us Frederyk Chopin, Artur Rubenstein, and Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2

Author Joseph Conrad who wrote "Heart of Darkness" was Polish.  Maksymilian Faktorowicz founded Max Factor.  And then there was Helena Rubinstein whose cosmetic empire is now owned by L'Oreal.

If you go to the movies I am sure you have heard of Samuel Goldwyn and the Warner Brothers.  All Polish.  And who doesn't love Polish food?  (well, my ex but he was Irish and had no idea what good food should taste like as his mother was a terrible cook).  The Poles gave us bagels and pierogies along with cheesecake - though I must say the American version is much better, though more fattening, lol.

So, just touching on a few folks.  Not too shabby IMHO.


  1. I never heard the polish jokes - maybe because we do not have a significate Polish population here in California. My good friend, is polish but grew up in Sweden. She remembers the soviet occupation and told me how the soviets came and kicked down their front door and dragged her uncle out. Her and her mom and sister left shortly after that to Sweden. Ironically she is Physics professor.

    I've always respected the country of Poland. They've been through a lot and had to overcome so much.

    1. Well, there is a significant Polish community in this area of Michigan. I am sure if you Google Polish jokes you may find a few.
      Women in science. NOVA just did a very good production on this issue for PBS.

  2. I've heard Polish jokes. They really were not that common here. We are so mixed in this part of the United States, you are sort of putting on airs saying you are Polish, or Italian or whatever nationality you claim. I grew up in a military town, so you were used to a lot of different people from all over the world. I'm dark and people would ask where my mother was from. They were always surprised to hear, Alabama. lol

    1. I have a good friend who is very light-skinned. I used to tan in the summer when I was younger. People would think I was African-American and she was not, lol. You certainly cannot tell what one's nationality is by looking at them.

  3. My dad would joke and would sometimes say he was a dumb Polock. I knew the Polish people were thought of a dense just like Italians are willing to change sides, the French are rude but great lovers and the Germans are blockheads evil S.O.Bs. Ignorance breeds hatred, arrogance and a belief that they are better than the rest. I knew about the people you mention being Polish.

    1. So true. And I am amazed how at we are becoming more ignorant despite public education.

  4. Hi Denise - it certainly helps living over here - we're more aware of happenings and peoples in the European continent. I certainly know the people you mention. We're all fascinating! You've researched so much - cheers Hilary

  5. I couldn't resist it, I just had to Google Polish jokes! I have to say, they are rather somewhat barbed. An interesting list of people that have made a difference, I am an enormous Chopin fan!

    1. If someone was going to Google, I knew it would be you, lol. Hope you enjoyed the music.

  6. Yes, Polish jokes abound here in provincial New England - as do Italian jokes, Irish jokes, French jokes. It's all so ridiculous, isn't it? We have a Catholic church near us - Our Lady of Czestochowa - how we missed the annual Polish festival last summer! Hope they're able to bring it back - wonderful food, music!

    1. We have a former seminary nearby and they always throw a Polish festival over Memorial Day. My kids loved it.
      My grandmother had a statue of the Black Madonna in her bedroom with a votive candle burning. It freaked me out when I was sent in there to take a nap.


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