Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Taos Pueblo, New Mexico

The Pueblo peoples have lived in this area of New Mexico for over 1,000 years.  This complex is another UNESCO World Heritage site and also a National Historic Landmark.  Enjoy the pictures.
 South House, Hlaukkwima, apartment like homes owned by a family and passed down through the generations.
San Geronimo Catholic Church, 1850.  Yes, the Spaniards converted the Pueblos and most of the residents are Catholic.
Occupied residences.  Originally entered from the roof, they now have doors.
An outdoor oven for baking bread.  Blue doors welcome in the good spirits.
A kiva, center, in the restricted area.
North House, Hlaauma, sits opposite the Red Willow Creek from the area seen in the first photo.

 These men are repairing the adobe walls.
Thanks for visiting with me.  More information can be found at taospueblo.com.

P.S.  As today is election day in the United States, I believe that some of our residents need to be reminded that this land of New Mexico was once a Spanish colony and then controlled by the Mexicans as their territory from 1824 to 1848.  And of course, a war changed that. 


  1. Hi Denise - it's lovely to see your photos and to remind us about the land changes ... what history will portray of this era in centuries to come would be interesting to know about ... I guess depends on how our leaders lead today. Cheers Hilary

    1. If one could only see into the future. Thanks for visiting.

  2. People still live in these homes? I know it is a heritage site but I would need more greenery:) Love the pictures and some information like the blue doors. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Democrats gain control

    1. It's the high desert, so not much growing there. We had to cut our visit short because the residents were getting ready for some private ceremony. Our young guide was very interesting, and passionate about Catholicism.

  3. San Geronimo Catholic Church in your second photo is beautiful in its simplicity. Another fascinating set of photos Denise

  4. Thanks for sharing these stunning images! And, good point. Too bad the election results weren't as good as expected.

    1. Well, we got rid of a lot of Rs here in Michigan! Considering I used to be one of them, I am thrilled.


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