Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fire in the Desert

I am sure that many of you have seen or read about the devastation of fires in California this year.  And they are still burning.  I will share with you some of what I saw in Utah and Colorado this fall.  First up is a pic of a fire in Utah as we traveled from Salt Lake City to Price.  I was not able to get a good shot of the helicopter over the fire.
I had read several warnings about fire possibilities in the area due to the hot dry weather, but never thought I'd actually see a fire.

When we got to Mesa Verde we saw the aftermath of lightning strike fires from a few years ago.

Fires are devastating.  Thankfully, we really do not have fire issues where I live.  We do have snow issues as can be seen in this photo from this morning.
I am not ready for this.


  1. Hi Denise - one side of life to the other ... snow: rather early for that ... take care - but those fires are horrendous - cheers Hilary

  2. A high school/college friend's family in California evacuated this afternoon. They are safe but their home isn't. It's a terrible thing, even watching from afar. I also saw the aftermath of forest fires years ago in South Dakota. Alana

  3. Having lived in Southern California, I've seen so much destruction from fires. Its heartbreaking to read the stories of lives lost as well as property. Thankfully we were close to fires, but we never had to evacuate or had property destroyed. It seems like California has had its share of fires for the past year or so. Makes you wonder how much of the state has not burnt down so far.

    It was 80 degrees here in Phoenix today. Just staying.....


  4. The fires are horrible and what is disgusting is what Trump said...he is just beyond a hole territory. I just saw that he won’t even attend the ceremony in France for WW1 commemoration because his helicopter couldn’t fly due to bad weather...get in a car! Anyway, sorry about that and sorry but I like the looks so pretty.

  5. Horrible fires and an equally horrible reaction from Trump! I'm not ready for winter either, but it's already unseasonably cold here too. At least the snow hasn't arrived yet.

    1. Trump is a horse's pitootie, with no disrespect to said horse.

  6. Oh my gosh! You have that much snow already??? I wish you well this winter!

    1. And we got a couple inches last night. Fortunately, it did not stick on the drive, but they say there is lots of black ice.


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