Monday, June 25, 2018

June 25, 1969 Athens, Greece

Today was another busy day seeing old ruins.   The Arch of Hadrian in central Athens spans the road leading to the Acropolis.  Use your imagination and remove the cars and modern buildings in the photo.
Arc d'Adrià, Atenes
By Joanbanjo [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Another stop is the Temple of  Olympian Zeus.
From Temple of Olympian Zeus to Lycabetus Athens Greece
Below is what the Temple would have looked like in 129 A.D.  Construction had begun in the 6th Century B.C. but was completed during the reign of Hadrian.
Olympieion2 copy
By Valentin Fiumefreddo [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
I am sure my diary recorded my day out of order, so I will do the same here.  At some point we visited the Hill of Muses, southwest of the Acropolis.
And speaking of the Acropolis, of course we visited the Parthenon.  Here it is in 1969.
Here it is nine years later somehow looking in better shape, lol.
The Parthenon in Athens
By Steve Swayne [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
They are still busy working on restoring the building.  Construction began in 447 B.C.  Below is a view of the Acropolis.
By Adam L. Clevenger [CC BY-SA 2.5], from Wikimedia Commons
Also included today was a trip to the National Archaeological Museum.  Guess what they have there.
Another stop was the Royal Palace which now serves to house Parliament.  To be perfectly honest, I have no recollection of this.  Maybe it was the heat.
Griechisches Parlament
Thomas Wolf, [CC BY-SA 3.0 de], from Wikimedia Commons

Our touring day over, it is onto the port of Piraeus to board another ship, the Epirotiki T.S.S. Hermes. 

Expenses are $18.41 with a question mark.  I am not sure if I did not remember what I bought or could not remember what I spent, but it stands to reason we would have paid our hotel bill that day and arranged for transportation to the docks.

See you tomorrow at sea.  Can you guess the destination?


  1. What a magnificent structure. I went from Greece to Turkey. Tomorrow?

  2. Oh this is something that I want to see so very much. It is just amazing it!

  3. One thing I remember about the Acropolis is wearing flip flops and clambering over all those bloody rocks everywhere. Not easy walking at all. My father had docked in Piraeus and I flew in from England to meet them.

    1. I never wear flip-flops. Not even on the beach. I saw a guy trying to walk in them across a parking lot the other day. He was an older guy using a cane and I thought 'what an idiot!' Funniest thing I ever saw was a woman running to catch her plane in the airport wearing them. I thought she was going to kill herself.

  4. Can you imagine being a worker on those temples, etc., and realizing you would not see the result of your work since it would take years to finish them and you would be dead?


    1. I'm pretty sure I would not have wanted to live back then. Lots of slave labor.

  5. That picture of the Acropolis is so amazing. The way the surrounding countryside sets it off is so surreal. I can't even imagine being there...

  6. Thanks for the memories! Climbing up to the Parthenon was the pinnacle of a lifetime dream come true for me. it was an emotional moment! ♥ Are you going Greek island hopping after this? Or maybe, visiting Ephesus in Turkey? Looking forward to your next installment!


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