Saturday, June 16, 2018

June 16, 1969 Rome, Italy

It is just too hot to do much of anything on the schedule so we are having a 'goof off' day.  Walking around and visiting places we have already seen.

Fountain of Neptune, Rome
By Livioandronico2013 [CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
Fountain of Neptune in the Piazza Navonna

It has also occurred to me that I should have kept the index cards that were in the boxes of slides.  Had I done that, I would have had a list of every picture I took.  If I didn't mention it in the diary, I still would have had a picture list of what we saw.  Did you ever wish you could give yourself a good kick for being so stupid?

Total expenses are $6.64.  Must have been spent on gelato.


  1. Yes, frequently. However, you seem to have found some great pix to replace those you didn't keep or name properly.

    1. I owe a debt of gratitude to all thosevfolks who put their photos on Wikipedia. I even got a comment from someone thanking me for using their pic.

  2. I love hearing about your travels, Denise! (In fact I'm enjoying it so much that you've inspired me to do the same with my trip in 1981. I also used slide film for my photographs and recently spent a day scanning a few dozen. And many of the entries in my travel journal were frustratingly sparse.) You really covered a lot of ground and saw so many amazing things. (Villa d'Este was a highlight of my trip too.) I can't wait to hear more.

    1. Glad you are enjoying it. Wish I could do it all over again, but don't think I have the stamina.


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