Thursday, May 17, 2018

May 17, 1969 Madrid, Spain

We checked out of our Madrid hotel in the morning and have the entire day to roam around the city.  This seems like a good time to give you some background on my travel companion.

I first met Shar when I pledged my sorority in 1965.  Then in 1967, Shar was working at the hospital where I was serving my internship.  She was planning her trip to Europe, but early in 1968 her father fell ill and she cancelled her plans.  That summer she and I would spend a week in the Bahamas and Miami Beach and we got to talking about the Europe trip for the following year.

Shar was hesitant but her father insisted that she go no matter what.  And so our plans were set in motion using itineraries that our friends who had already made the trip had developed.

I well remember this day in Madrid because it featured what I think was our first falling out.  Up to this day I read all the maps and did all the planning.  As we spent the day roaming the city Shar started complaining that there we better routes to travel.  Now, this was a woman who couldn't find her way out of a small room with one door.  I got tired of arguing with her and told her to lead the way.

Needless to say, we got lost on some side street.  She conceded that she was no good at reading maps.
The only place my diary indicates that we visited was Retiro Park., dating to the 16th century.
Monumento a Alfonso XII de España en los Jardines del Retiro - 04
Carlos Delgado [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons

Oh, how I wish I had converted my slides of this trip long before they faded.  I remember walking around this park and how beautiful it was.
Avenida de mejico parque del buen retiro
By Jvhertum [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons

I spent $4.17 today.  The train for Lisbon, Portugal leaves at 9:00 p.m. and we will be on it, but we will return to see more of Spain.  Stay tuned.


  1. I guess you were in charge of route planning after that! Mind you, there are worse places to get lost!

    1. Yes, and I will tell of one of my 'errors' in a future post.

  2. It was good one of you had a sense of direction when undertaking a trip such as this and it was good that Shar came to see that wasn't necessarily a talent of hers :)


    1. And the funny thing is that two other travel companions I have had also have no sense of direction. Maybe it is me?

  3. I love it when someone tells me I am wrong in my directions which usually comes from a person who has no sense of direction. After arguing and going my route, they see I was right but never concede that fact-burns my butt! I wonder if you can get some of your slides the top 10 since it probably costs quite a bit to restore

    1. I had many placed on a dvd to view. The color had faded and the cost to restore them is ridiculous. It would be different if loved ones were in the photos. I ended up throwing them out.

  4. It is best to go on a trip either with a family member or..alone ( on the route you're never really alone). If you go with a friend. sometimes, when you come back you realize that for some reason or another, friendship is gone.

    1. You got that right. After 28 years, a friendship ended during a recent trip. My friendship witn Shar will end, not due to this trip, but to another one.

  5. It's my contention one can never know a person till you travel with them!

  6. That's too bad about your slides fading. Also about your disagreement. At least your friend came to realize you were better at route planning! Madrid looks beautiful! ♥


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