Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday Tree Love

My thanks to Alana at RamblinwithAM for alerting me to the Thursday Tree Love blog hop.  I love the trees in my yard.  I am not overly fond (read as HATE) of the cottonwoods and messy corkscrew willows next door.  And then another neighbor has box elders and there are nasty bugs all over the place in the summer.

Anyway, we had some snow recently and I stood in the doorway and took pictures of snow in the trees.  Here is my River Birch in the foreground with its lovely peeling bark being the only color.  It was still snowing when the photo was taken.

Hop on over to the blogs I mentioned to see other trees.


  1. Beautiful. Its hard to imagine others are having snow when we have been in the 80's.


    1. Right now it is raining-snowing-hailing. Awful out there.

  2. That's beautiful Denise. Thank you so much for joining!
    From the part of India I come from, I have never seen such beautiful tree so you really made my day. Gorgeous it looks.

    1. Glad you enjoy the picture. Thanks for the blog hop. Great idea!

  3. This is a beautiful picture! It looks like something from a winter postcard or Christmas card. You could make this into a card!

    1. You could make it into a card. I can only take the picture.

  4. I'm a tree hugger from WAY back - Trees provide us with so much and I try never to complain about raking all the leaves in Fall - after they have shaded me and others from the hot summer sun. We just planted 2 redwoods in our backyard...I love the squirrels and the birds, they bring in, as well.

    1. Leaves don't bother me. Our township used to forbid the planting of many nuisance trees, but they never enforced it. Now they have gotten out of hand. The large weaker trees contributed to our huge power outage a few weeks ago by taking down power lines.

  5. Lovely picture Denise, lovely trees. We had a few flakes of the white stuff yesterday, we also had a splattering of freezing rain, but none of it amounted to very much - today it was just rain.

    1. We've had nine inches of rain this spring. My yard is a swamp!


I love to hear your comments and will try to reply on this blog and visit your blog when available.