Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Traveling Tuesday - Visiting our Nation's Capitol

Washington,  D.C.  I think I've visited about eight times over the last 40 years.  I still have places to see there.  And many of my pictures were slides that faded before I ever got around to digitizing them.  Plus, on several of these trips, I never thought to bring my camera.  Well, I never thought I'd be blogging about my travels.  So, I don't have a lot of photos to share, but here goes.

Where the President lives from the front and then the back, the White House:

The official guest house for the President since the main house is so small?  This is Blair House.
The Eisenhower Executive Office Building is across the street:
And Lafayette Square is around the corner with a statue of Lafayette (duh!)

Two doors down from Blair House in the Renwick Gallery where I spent a wonderful afternoon admiring the art, not having been invited to anyone's house for tea.
Also on Pennsylvania Avenue is the Willard Hotel which looks like an exquisite place to hold a wedding if you have 100 friends and $30,000.

I have no pictures of the Mall, museums on the mall or the Vietnam Memorial, which I first saw at night and which brought me to tears.  I do have photos of one of my favorite buildings, the Library of Congress.  Check out their site for some great photos.

It is one of the most incredible buildings I have ever seen and is probably not looked at by most tourists who are thinking of their library back home.

Being a finance person I also strolled past the Treasury Building.  My six year appointment to a committee for the Government Finance Officers Association is the reason I made several of those trips to D.C.

I had a wonderful tour of Arlington House, the home of Robert E. Lee and his wife, Mary Custis, a descendant of George Washington, until he joined the Confederacy and the Union took their home and lands away.  I was the only tourist there that morning and spent a considerable amount of time speaking with a park ranger on duty.

Here is the United States Capitol Building:

And a view of the entire mall area as seen from the rise at Arlington:
BTW, all of these photos were taken in January.  A few days later a huge storm hit the area and we were lucky to get on an earlier flight and get out before the airport was shut down.  As it was, we ended up getting home later than our original flight was supposed to get us here.

If you have never been to D.C., do consider it.  There is so much to see, be sure to plan your days out before you go, if you do.

I have now decided that I need to start digitizing all of my photos.  It is so much easier to find pics that are stored on my computer.  I know that I have more shots of D.C. around her someplace, but if we wait for me to find them I'll never blog again.  Hope you enjoyed this snapshot of our nation's capitol.


  1. I have never been. We were very close to Washington once on one of our trips but decided not to visit. We both avoid cities like the plague these days. We leave it to people like you to show us pictures of the special places. I lived in London for about 4 years so had my fill of such places. I have seen the Capitol from a distance (we went the wrong way on the Beltway once) there are some magnificent buildings. That hotel is huge.

    1. I love cities. Especially those with great transportation systems. Only had a car there once and that was because I drove to the area for vacation in West Virginia and Virginia to tour Civil War battlefields. I love visiting museums, old homes, and cathedrals and there are plenty to see there.

  2. You've been there 8 times? I've never even been there once!

    Awesome pictures!

    1. I am thinking it is time for another visit. I've never been there over the 4th of July so maybe next year.

  3. I was there on a school trip back in 1982 and truly enjoyed it...except for the other kids. I remember how white the buildings were. I felt humbled being in front of the Lincoln memorial since I had already seen "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." I was there, with the rest of the dumb idiots, I mean school kids, when the opening of the Vietnam memorial took place. We were far away but I felt so great being there and remembering who won for creating this great memorial. The dumb ass teacher-a history teacher-asked if we wanted to stay there or go shopping. Only myself and one other boy wanted to stay. So we left this great moment in history to go to a stupid shopping area. I remember also going to The Space Museum and the museum where Archie Bunker's chair is plus the National gallery-they gave us one afternoon for all this. Another moment that shocked me was travelling to the cathedral where JFK funeral was held. I will never forget the burnt out buildings and dilapidated buildings. It looks like Germany after WW2. Right in the middle of this was this beautiful cathedral. One day I want to go back because there is so much to see and do

    1. I went to a high school where the majority of kids would have wanted to find a bar if they were on a school trip. The real dumb ass was the teacher for giving students a choice. I went to St. Matthew's Cathedral. The area has improved, at least when I was there. That was their family church and close to Georgetown where they had lived prior to the White House. So much to see there and the kids went shopping. Did they not have stores where you lived? Right.

  4. I've been to DC three times - the first time in 1970 (on a school related trip, en route to studying a total eclipse of the sun in North Carolina) and the last time, with my then young son, in 1999, on the 4th of July. Every time it was so hot (even the one visit in April!). I wasn't quite as interested in seeing architecture as I am now - I enjoyed your pictures. I would like to go back "one day" - I've been near it many times, but have never gone back into the city. Alana rambinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. I've never been there when it is hot, but one time in January it got into the 70's. Was a great day to spend at the zoo. Maybe someday I can take my grandson there.


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