Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Reliving Vacations

It has been a very long winter.  We had snow again today, but fortunately it did not stick.  As a matter of fact, it is only 24 degrees F right now (7:34 PM EDT).

I have been busy reliving last year's trip to Europe and even though many of my photos have snow in them, I am truly enjoying the journey.

I have nine more posts to write.  I hope to finish them this week.  The trip itself started in Zurich and that is likely when my A to Z challenge will end.  But, hint, it will also start in a city beginning with Z.

If I hadn't visited Zion Canyon I might have been writing about Zug Island last year.  I think I have run out my luck with Z's.  I think next year if I do the challenge I will have to switch from travel.

But I think being prepared this year has made it much easier.  Not only have I tried to write all my posts in advance, I have scheduled them too.  I plan to be busy with gardening, the new grandchild and my yoga in April.  And as a trained Boy Scout leader, I still remember to 'Be Prepared.'

And that means keeping my passport current just in case some opportunity arises.  You just never know.  Meanwhile, I'll keep writing posts and enjoying my photos and memories.

Hope to see all of you in A to Z.


  1. Yup, got all my posts finished about a week ago. Being a minion, need extra time for that as well.

  2. Zug Island is the most famous Island of Detroit. I visited there last year during my niagra bus tours. It is located where the mouth of the River Rouge spills into the Detroit River. Zug Island is not a natural island in the river; it was formed when a shipping canal was dug along the southwestern side of the island.


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