Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Success and Satisfaction --- At a Cost

My computer is working.  I am poorer in the pocketbook and richer in peace of mind.  And I have no damage to any walls in my office.

After my computer failed to run a virus scan I did some more detective work.  A performance scan by windows informed me that McAfee and Dell Back-up were causing shutdown issues.  Interesting in that neither of the applications were working.

Off to the McAfee site to run a TechMaster scan and found that there were even more issues with the computer. 

After an hour online with a tech who was very helpful, but couldn't fix the problem, I then purchased a one-year plan that would allow another technician to access my machine and clean up everything.

Now on the phone with a gentleman, I gave him remote access to the computer.  Turns out I was right about problems with Internet Explorer 10.  It is not compatible with Windows 7.  So we (he, actually)had to remove it.  And we also had to remove McAfee and then reload it.

There were all sorts of file clean-ups.  All tolled, I was sitting here for two and a half hours while we (he) fixed the computer.  It reminded me of a cartoon one of my co-workers used to have in his office of a skeletanized gentlemen sitting at a computer covered with cobwebs waiting for tech support.

Of course, the first thing that popped up on my web page when I restarted the computer was a suggestion to download IE 10!  NOT.

So, I am back.  For now.  I hope.


  1. I am very glad you're back in computerland. I downloaded new Pinterest software and now it's impossible for me to use it on my blog. I'm very wary of new software. Hope these fixes work for you.

  2. i feel your pain---i am currently on the first computer that crashed and my son fixed, it--problem is i can't download anything to it---so i have no spyware on this computer---don't know how long i will last on here---glad you got yours fixed :)

  3. Glad you are up and running again.

  4. I then went and checked my system. I am running IE 10 and Windows 7. I don't seem to have any problems, fingers crossed.

  5. I am so glad it all worked out but WOW, you really had to go through some hoops. I am always so afraid to download things and who would think IE 10 would have caused such problems? Thanks for the heads up.

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  6. Ugh! Computers are a necessary evil, and as such, we must suffer. I used Windows for eons, but began to write on a Mac about five years ago. Macs have fewer software compatibility issues, but I'm not an Apple fanatic. I'd rather be tortured than use the Mac version of Excel.

    Whenever I need productivity software, I'm always back at my PC and MS Office.

    VR Barkowski


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