Thursday, March 16, 2017

Mother Nature has a Cruel Sense of Humor

Last week Wednesday our state of Michigan had an intense wind storm.  Gusts locally reached 68 mph.  When it was all over more than 800,000 people were without power.  As I write this one week later, some folks have been told they may not have power until the weekend.

In February we had some very warm days - 70 degree days.  I did some yard clean-up that usually doesn't happen until mid-April.  Shrubs started opening their buds.  Now, with temps in the teens and wind chills below zero, I fear those buds are history.

I was lucky enough not to suffer any damage in the storm.  One of my neighbors was not so lucky, having lost a large spruce tree.  My son also lost a spruce, seen in this photo.

I'm thinking maybe Mother Nature is going through menopause?  She is certainly having some serious issues.  We have had a mild winter with only small amounts of snow and of that I will not complain.  But damaging winds and a couple of torrential rains are not to my liking.  I wonder what this spring and summer have in store.


  1. Wow with the tree and the storms! It has been a weird year weather wise. We have had temps 20 degrees higher than normal lately.


  2. We have had a very mild winter here. Which doesn't hurt my feelings. I suppose as sad as it is to lose a pretty tree, you were blessed to all be safe.
    Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  3. I am quite sure she is going through menopause, but it has been lasting quite a long time unfortunately.

  4. We've, of course, had an unusual amount of rain this winter, but the winds have been crazy too. We don't have large trees on our property, but we saw plenty of downed trees as we drove around after the storm. Thank goodness things seem to be settling down now. I feel bad for the early buds.

  5. Mother Nature definitely has sadistic tendencies. Although we haven't treated her very well, either.

  6. Yikes! I feel like the rough weather we've experienced has been a consequence of having a mild winter. It was warm most of February here! And they got those whacko last-minute snowstorms up North...we didn't have any of that! (Not that we ever do--it's just usually chillier here in January and February.)

  7. I wondered about my blogging friends and those winds you were having. Today it is 90* here in Kansas. I caved and turned on the A/C. Hope it doesn't last!

    1. OMG. 90 degrees in March? That's insane. I'd be using the air too. I went out and shoveled ice off the drive this morning.

  8. The winter has been mild but dull and grey. We had a windstorm and some of our roof tiles lifted up a bit and the. Last Tuesday, we had a huge snowstorm and got tons of snow. We got some more on Saturday but it's already going away. The weather is just wonky

  9. This winter has been a roller coaster ride with temperatures in the upper 60's in February, followed by snow and freezing temperatures in March, just as spring was nearing! It looks like the last storm did a lot of damage where you are. We ere supposed to get about a foot of snow but got torrential rain and wind instead. I think we all need a touch of spring!


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