Saturday, April 23, 2016

T: Travel and Tahquamenon Falls

I love to travel.  I love taking pictures of the places I have visited.  I also love buying books about the places I have seen.  More recently I've gotten smarter and ordered the books when I got home rather than lugging them in my suitcases.

Like my cookbook collection, I have more books about travel then I can take photos of.   First there are the guidebooks I buy to plan the trip.  And then comes the books about the places I visited.  I am sure my kids will have lots of books to donate when I am gone.

Do you buy books about places you have traveled to?

Tahquamenon Falls State Park  This is by far my favorite state park.  The sad part is that it is easier and quicker for me to get to Niagara Falls than it is to get up north to see this beauty.  I've made two trips to see them.  I highly recommend the experience.


  1. You are a kindred spirit Denise!
    I am always planning the next trip and have a bookshelf dedicated to travel; researching trips and then books collected on my travels! And now, I also turn every holiday into a photobook so I have another collection growing!

  2. I do love travel books, and I also love travel literature (especially from the 19th century). So many adventures :) I also try to buy collections of stories wherever I go.

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    The Multicolored Diary

  3. I would love to visit those falls. Richard used to collect travel books. Me, not so much!!

  4. Beautiful! Yes, I have found many of the things we can buy on vacation, we can also just buy and have shipped when we get home. I did that with some T-shirts in Charleston last summer.

  5. Oh, boy, yeah. Books are our downfall. Not necessarily travel books, but books about places, or the wonderful collections of local history and natural history that you find in National Park bookstores...apart from that, we've nearly managed to stop buying books :)
    Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian

  6. I tend to buy book while traveling too, then end up with more than I can read!

  7. I'm the exact same! I love reading books either where a character is travelling or where it just takes place in a country other than the US. But it definitely sparks the need to travel (it's an actual need, not just a want). Next on the list for me is Iceland!
    Travel Books


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