After reading Dan Brown's novel 'Inferno' I have a strong desire to return to Florence and Venice, Italy. It would be nice to visit and be able to enjoy it as a seasoned adult, not a starry-eyed 20-something.
The Rijksmuseum has finally reopened in Amsterdam and that, along with Bruges, Belgium are also on my list. I had actually never considered Bruges until I saw the film, 'In Bruges'. The scenery was exquisite.
Photo credit for Bruges
Then there is the two-week stay in Germany I have long considered. Or a train trip through Switzerland.
Closer to home is a stay in Santa Fe, New Mexico or one in the Canadian Rockies.
I'll keep browsing the travel sites and try to make a decision soon. The summer is slipping away and soon fall will be here, so I need to make my plans.
If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
I've always wanted to go to China and Japan. I am unlikely to do so now, but.... Being from England, I would like to revisit various parts of Europe too.